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***IMPORTANT NOTICE - Collection of Medals (LAST CHANCE)
Date and Time : Saturday, 20 April 2013, 2:30pm – 5:30pm (Click for details)***

HKDRC – ASICS 37th Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2013 – Race Results

1.      We would like to give our BIG thanks to our sponsors, supporters, helpers and participants for join making this event possible. We brought all of you together to make our event a success on 24 March 2013.

2.      Two sets of results being i) Overall Results of 1144 cross country run finishers positions and time record and ii) the results by ranking of each divisions’ finishers position and time record are available and can be download from our web “ Download Corner “ NOW “.

3.      A race summary with all winners results can also be viewed and download from our web site “ Download Corner “. Winners who didn’t/had not collected your prizes or trophies on the race day, are advised to contact us by email : ON or BEFORE 15 April 2013. A charge of $100.- is required for our helper administration work.

4.      Race certificates with runners’ names, overall positions and time records are being prepared and will be mailed to those who had paid for it within 2 months as stated in the runners guide. Paricipanats have to be patient and do not chase in email.

5.      The DATE of the HKDRC 38th Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2014 has been scheduled on 23 March 2014.


Special Attention :

HKDRC 36th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run – 3 November 2013   -

The organizing work of this race will be commenced in May, we are proud to have Gammon Construction Ltd., continued to be the major sponsor and potential sponsors include Polar Electro HK Ltd., and others will join sponsoring the event. We will be working towards creating lower carbon and greener race. And we will use online registration and sensor timing system to save manpower and cost.

If you are interested to support/sponsor our event, please visit our web site under SPONSORSHIP and contact us by email : for discussion.

If you are interested to work with us, we will provide training course and guidelines for you to organize races. Contact us by email : for schedule. 

Copyright © 2024, Hong Kong Distance Runners Club HKDRC.