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What’s New on 1 January 2014 – The Greatest Race of All is Open for Application

HKDRC 38th Mount Butler (Heritage) Race – Better Place, Better Race for You & Me 2014 HKDRC 38th 畢拿山古蹟越野賽 2014 – /妳,我喜愛的賽事

Organized by Hong Kong Distance Runners Club and supported by major sponsors include RaceingThePlanet 極地長征, Polar Electro (HK) Ltd., Nature’s Village, Logo Printing Co. and T5 Lab joined sponsored the HKDRC 38th Mount Butler (Heritage) Race 2014 is now open to accept entry applications. The entry applications can be made either :-

由香港長跑會籌辦並取得多間贊助商支持及贊助,2014年香港長跑會第 38屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽現已公開接受報名。申請報名參賽可循下列途徑:

  1. By online registration through  ( direct complete/submit form )
  2. By email : ( get from complete and mail form )
  3. By post : HKDRC G.P.O. Box 10368, Hong Kong ( as above )

Submit entry application by either 1 or 2 or 3, you have to mail to us the payment record ( through ATM or paid cheque ) in order that we may assign a race number and advise you the date and the place for your collection of the runner’s pack.

  • 網上報名 - ( 於2014年1月1日啟動,直接網上報名 )
  • 電郵報名 - ( 於網頁www.hkdrc.org下載報名表,填寫及電郵 )
  • 郵寄報名 – 香港長跑會 郵政信箱 10368 號 ( 同上,郵寄 )

敬請使用網上 提供的報名表,或於網頁 下載報名表,填妥個人資料連同報名費以銀行過戶入數紙紀錄一併遞交。或以支票郵寄給我們。

The HKDRC 38th Mount Butler (Heritage) Race 2014 is an important annual event to running athletes in Hong Kong. The Mount Butler Race stands for its history ( 1976 – 2014 ), it owns a unique course mixed with hills, trails, roads and steps and the distance is long enough and challenging which no other races can compare. The Mount Butler Race provides 70% uphill and downhill course distance is long enough for you to test your capability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Completing the Mount Butler Race will make you feel gratitude.

2014年香港長跑會第38屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽對本地運動員是重要的賽事。畢拿山古蹟越野賽經歷37年,是目前香港最有歷史價值和受歡迎的長跑賽。畢拿山越野賽賽道獨特,70% 路段是上,落斜路,山徑,石級,泥路,極富挑戰性。是沒有別的賽事賽道可以比較。畢拿山賽道全長15公里,是磨練跑步的操藝理想場地,完成賽程足以考驗你/妳的體能和令你/妳有滿足感。

The closing date is set on 20 March 2014
截止報名日期 2014320

HKDRC Race Committee

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