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HKDRC – Nature’s Village 39th Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race - Better Place, Better Race for You and Me 2015

From the start date of online registration on 5 January 2015 till present, we received enthusiastic support from the applicants, especially foreign nation runners. Up to 500 entry application are registered which included 11 teams of 4 runners. They are :-

- 猶太人
- The Minions
- 畢拿山郊遊隊
- EFCC Kong Fuk Church ( 3 )
- Firm
- Rat Runners ( 3 )
- Neighbour

A total of 15 foreign nations’ runners registered and they come from :-

  • American                  - Australian                       - British
  • Deutch                      - Chinese (PRC)               - French
  • South Africa              - Hong Kong                     - Irish
  • Netherland                - Bangladesh                    - Spanish
  • Thailand                   - Philipine                          - Japanese
  • Malaysian

The HKDRC – Nature’s Village 39th Mount Butler (Heritage) Race 2015 is open to accept entry applications. The applications can be made either :-

2015年香港長跑會 – 樂健坊 39th 畢拿山古蹟越野賽 現已公開接受報名。申請報名參賽可循下列途徑:

  1. By online registration through  ( direct complete/submit form )
  2. By email : ( get from complete and mail form )
  3. By post : HKDRC G.P.O. Box 10368, Hong Kong ( as above )

Please complete either online entry form with personal information and payment ( through ATM or mail payment cheque ). Submit online or mail to us for registration.   

一.網上報名 - ( 直接網上報名 )

二.電郵報名 - ( 於網頁www.hkdrc.org下載報名表,填寫及電郵 )

三.郵寄報名 – 香港長跑會 郵政信箱 10368 號 ( 同上,郵寄 )

敬請使用網上 提供的報名表,或於網頁 下載報名表,填妥個人資料連同報名費以銀行過戶入數紙紀錄一併遞交。或以支票郵寄給我們。


The HKDRC – Nature’s Village 39th Mount Butler (Heritage) Race 2015 is an important annual event to running athletes in Hong Kong. The Mount Butler Race stands for its history ( 1976 – 2015 ), it owns a unique course mixed with hills, trails, roads and steps and the distance is long enough and challenging which no other races can compare. The Mount Butler Race provides 70% uphill and downhill course distance for you to test your capability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Completing the Mount Butler Race will make you feel gratitude.

2015年香港長跑會 – 樂健坊第39屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽對本地運動員是重要的賽事。畢拿山古蹟越野賽經歷38年,是目前香港最有歷史價值和受歡迎的長跑賽。畢拿山越野賽賽道獨特,70% 路段是上,落斜路,山徑,石級,泥路,極富挑戰性。是沒有別的賽事賽道可以比較。畢拿山賽道全長15公里,是磨練跑步的操藝理想場地,完成賽程足以考驗你/妳的體能和令你/妳有滿足感。

The closing date is set on 15 March 2015
截止報名日期 :2015年3月15日


HKDRC Race Committee

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