What’s New on 2 December 2016 – Latest News 近況
HKDRC 41st Mount Butler (Heritage) Race 2017 – An Everlasting Race 永跑不完賽事
The Event
The HKDRC 41st Mount Butler Race is the oldest running race in Hong Kong. In 2017, the event date has been confirmed on 9 April 2017.
The Sponsors
Seven potential firms confirmed sponsor the event and they are Racingtheplanet, Nature’s Village, SEAM, DKSH, Charming Trims, AFTC and Logo Printing Company. Welcome other firms to join sponsoring the event. Those who interested to sponsor the event may contact us by email : enquiry@hkdrc.org for meeting or discussion.
The Work Schedule
The design production work of the Poster and Entry Form are in good progress. We aimed to complete the production before Christmas Holidays.
The Registration
The Online Registration and the Mail Registration are scheduled for commence on 2 January 2017
Enhancement Work ( Teams Competition )
5.1 Arrange separate teams competitions for Commercial Firms, Sports Clubs, Discipline Services and Universities
5.2 Team Winners and Prize Money will be counted for 3 out of 5 from each Category
5.3 Free Certificate for each Team will be given
Green Work for Green Race
6.1 All registered participants are entitled to 11 items sustainable souvenirs ( T-shirt, Towel, Finisher Medal, Wrist Belt, Lucky Plant (*), Salonsip Gel and Perskindol Gel )
6.2 (*Lucky Plant comprises of 4 kinds, mimosa pudica 含羞草, lavandula薰衣草, sunflower 太陽花, four leaves clover幸運草。It is important that the soil of the plant can be re-planted for other kinds of plant.
6.3 Certificates with name and results endorsed by the Organizer and Sponsors for Green Runner 2017 will be issued upon request
FREE Running Seminars by AFTC
Two FREE seminars on ‘Way to Run Without Pain’ will be conducted by AFTC in March. Selected participants shall be notified by email.
AFTC亞洲運動及體適能治療中心於3月份免費提供2 課堂給已經登記參賽的參賽者,課程名稱” 預防傷患,長跑長有“,鑒於名額有限,將以先到先取錄。
Last But Not The Least (Your Challenge)
The HKDRC 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017 is an important annual event to running athletes in Hong Kong. The Mount Butler Race stands for its history ( 1976 – 2017 ), it owns a unique course mixed with hills, trails, roads and steps and the distance is long enough and challenging which no other races can compare. The Mount Butler Race provides 70% uphill and downhill course distance is long enough for you to test your capability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Completing the Mount Butler Race will make you feel gratitude.
2017年 香港長跑會第41屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽 對本地運動員是重要的賽事。畢拿山古蹟越野賽經歷40年,是目前香港最有歷史價值和受歡迎的長跑賽。畢拿山越野賽賽道獨特,70% 路段是上,落斜路,山徑,石級,泥路,極富挑戰性,是沒有別的賽事賽道可以比較。畢拿山賽道全長15公里,是磨練跑步的操藝理想場地,完成賽程足以考驗你/妳的體能和令你/妳有滿足感。
HKDRC Race Committee