What’s New on 4 January 2017 – The Mount Butler is Still The Race I Love 仍是我喜愛
HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage )15K Race 2017 – 9 April 2017 (Sunday)
The HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017 is an important annual event to running athletes in Hong Kong. The Mount Butler Race stands for its history ( 1976 – 2017 ), it owns a unique course mixed with hills, trails, roads and steps and the distance is long enough and challenging which no other races can compare. The Mount Butler Race provides 70% uphill and downhill course distance is long enough for you to test your capability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Completing the Mount Butler Race will make you feel gratitude.
We would love to express our greatest thankfulness to our sponsors including:
Platinum Sponsor
- SEAM Sports Ltd.
Gold Sponsors
- Nature’s Village,
- RacingThePlanet,
- Amour Beauty
Green Sponsors
- ANGEL Int’l (HK) Ltd.,
- Zitison Hong Kong Ltd.,
- Logo Printing Co.
- Charming Trim Co., Ltd.
- Perskindol
- Salonsip
- Asian Academy For Sports & Fitness Professionals
Official Physiotherapy
-Asian Fitness Therapy Center (AFTC)
Official Media Partner
- Running Biji
The HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler (Heritage) 15K Race 2017 is now open to accept entry applications. The entry applications can be made either:-
By online registration through www.hkdrc-race.com (commenced on 4.1.2017)
By post : HKDRC G.P.O. Box 10368, Hong Kong (download entry form from www.hkdrc.org complete and mail to us)
The entry fee for each individual application is HK$230.- and for each team of 4 runners is HK$920.- by 16 March 2017. Your entry fee has included single Shuttle Bus Fare to the race venue.
The time limit for finish the run is 3 hours.
Attractive prizes are set for awarding to 9 Individual Divisions Winners and 3 Teams Winners (Male/Female/Mixed)
Up to 12 items Green Souvenirs will be given to each participant. These Souvenirs are Sustainable, Reusable and Valuable (T-shirt, Finisher Medal, Race Number Belt, Cool Towel, Massage Oil, Mosquito Soil, Fan, Foldable Water Bottle, Lucky Plant, Gift Bag, Lite Hand Towel, Salonsip pain relief patch, ANGEL household filtration set ).
Two seminars on ‘Running Technique’ will be conducted by AFTC in March.
香港長跑會 x SEAM 第41屆 畢拿山古蹟越野賽 – 2017年4月9日
2017年香港長跑會-SEAM第41屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽對本地運動員是重要的賽事。畢拿山古蹟越野賽經歷40年,是目前香港最有歷史價值和受歡迎的長跑賽。畢拿山越野賽賽道獨特,70% 路段是上,落斜路,山徑,石級,泥路,極富挑戰性。是沒有別的賽事賽道可以比較。畢拿山賽道全長15公里,是磨練跑步的操藝理想場地,完成賽程足以考驗你/妳的體能和令你/妳有滿足感。
個人組別的報名費是HK$230.- 隊伍4人組別的報名費是HK$920.- 報名費已包括參賽者乘坐巴士前往比賽場地之費用,賽程限於3小時內完成。
名貴獎品將頒發給 9 個個人組別優勝者及3個隊伍優勝者( 分別是男,女及混合 )。
每位已登記的參賽者可享有多達12 項環保紀念品包括 T恤,獎牌,號碼腰帶,冰凍毛巾,按摩油,驅蚊貼,扇,環保水壺,幸運草,禮物袋,濕水手巾,撒隆適止痛貼,家居濾水系統 ( 試用版 )。
AFTC亞洲運動及體適能治療中心於 3月份提供2 課堂給已經登記參賽的參賽者,課程名稱 “ 跑步技術“,鑒於名額有限,將以先到先取錄。
The closing date is set on 31 March 2017
截止報名日期 :2017年3月31日
HKDRC Race Committee