What’s New on 1 January 2020 – Your Challenge Race
HKDRC 44th Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race ( 19 April 2020 ) – Still The Race You/I Love HKDRC 43rd 畢拿山古蹟越野賽 2014 – 仍是你/妳,我喜愛的賽事
Organized by Hong Kong Distance Runners Club and supported by several major sponsors include Skechers Hong Kong Ltd., DKSH Hong Kong Ltd., Charming Trims Co. Ltd., SEAM Sports Ltd., Printing Co. Running Biji and others. The HKDRC 44th Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2020 is now open to accept entry applications.
The entry applications can be made by :-
- download entry form from www.hkdrc.org
- complete entry form and mail to HKDRC G.P.O. Box 10368, Hong Kong
Note : Submit entry application shall include payment cheque or payment receipt ( through bank ATM ) plus a self-addressed envelope ( SAE ) in order that we may assigned a race number and confirm your application.
報名手續 ( 郵寄方式 ):
- 下載報名表自本會網址 www.hkdrc.org
- 填妥報名表以郵寄 – 香港長跑會 郵政信箱 10368 號
The entry fee for individual application is $270.- and for team of 4 runners is $1,080.- before 10 April 2020. Thereafter, $320.- and $1,280.- The entry fee includes :-
- Shuttle bus fare for transportation to the venue
- One complete set of souvenir plus sponsors discount coupons
- Certificate for free download from www.hkdrc.org
- Take part in the Green Management Work 'Waste Reduction and Recycling'
You are advised to submit your entry applications as early as possible. The time limit for your completion is 3hours.
Attractive prizes include Attractive prizes include Skechers running shoes, SEAM sports products, Charming Trims trophies, HKDRC environmental fans, Salonsip pain relief tapes and Skechers or HKDRC cash awards. Each participant entitles to 5 items of sustainable souvenirs include T-shirt, towel, finisher medal, environmental cutlery set and LED key torch/whistle.
There are several items of change in this years race and they are :-
- Increase number of winners in each individual division from previous 1-5 to 1-6 places
- Relax the mixed team registration to accept male and female runners 3/2/1 or 1/2/3
- Due to low participants rate for Men Junior division, this division cancelled
- Free certificates ( individual & team ) available and can be download from www.hkdrc.org
- Increase special cash prize ( $200 ) for any male and female runners who finished the run within 60mins and 65mins.
Your Challenge
HKDRC 43rd Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2019 is an important annual event to running athletes in Hong Kong. The Mount Butler Race stands for its history ( 1976 – 2019 ), it owns a unique course mixed with hills, trails, roads and steps and the distance is long enough and challenging which no other races can compare. The Mount Butler Race provides 70% uphill and downhill course distance is long enough for you to test your capability and to achieve a sense of satisfaction. Completing the Mount Butler Race will make you feel gratitude.
2019年香港長跑會第38屆畢拿山古蹟越野賽對本地運動員是重要的賽事。畢拿山古蹟越野賽經歷43年,是目前香港最有歷史價值和受歡迎的長跑賽。畢拿山越野賽賽道獨特,70% 路段是上,落斜路,山徑,石級,泥路,極富挑戰性。是沒有別的賽事賽道可以比較。畢拿山賽道全長15公里,是磨練跑步操藝的理想場地,完成賽程足以考驗你/妳的體能和令你/妳有滿足感.
HKDRC offer You Training for Cross Country Run
Cross-Country Training in 5 Easy Steps 越野長跑訓練之五種步調 -
- Hills 跑山
- Repetition Training 重覆練習
- Tempo Running 採用不同長度和使用不同地方
- Fartlek 急衝
- Cross-Training 多元化練習
- Tips that help you enjoy yourself while you race :- 專家提供的資料和戰術參考
- Get in a good warm-up 開步前需要有適當熱身
- Start slowly 前段採用較慢步速
- Be aggressive 中段勇往直前
- Think “Quick Feet” 利用地勢和身體重心加速
- Use your arms 上山時運用雙手前後擺動
- Cut the tangents 偷彎
- Pass quickly 趴頭
- Accelerate briefly after each turn寸步必爭、奪取有利位置和保持勇往直前狀態
- Don’t save too much for the end 無需要留力至尾段
- Relax and enjoy yourself ( have fun, and hurry back ) 享受越野賽的特點
Green Work for Green Race – We are moving forward to support waste reduction and recycling at the community level. We will coordinate with Xtra8 Natural Mineral Water – Live & Love Group Ltd., team to collect back the plastic water bottles from runners at the race venue. The collected plastic water bottles will be delivered to the Community Green Station ( CGS ) 綠在東區 at No. 30, Oi Shun Road, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong for recycle.
Green Work for Green Race – We support the Government project on development of Hiking and have done up to 50nos HKDRC’s Green Running and Hiking Routes covering all urban areas of Hong Kong and Macau. The ten most excited and beautiful route descriptions and scenic photos as below can be viewed at our web site www.hkdrc.org Green Work for Green Races. They are excited and popular :-
Lantau Peak – Sunrise & Sunset
Lai Chi Wo & Kuk Po – Heritage and Abandoned Villages
Lion Rock – Spirit of Hong Kong
Pat Sin Leng – Ultimate Challenge
Tai Mo Shan – 4 Seasons Feel along the route in March
So Lo Pun – Compass stops work there
Dragon’s Back – Hard to see separation of the Sky and the Sea
Man Yee Hong Kong Global Geopark of China – The God gave us
Tap Mun ( Grass Island ) – 天崖海角 and Stairway to Heaven
Victoria Peak – See the BIG city like
Photos of each of the above are posted in separate pages of this website.
The closing date for entry application is set on 10 April 2020
截止報名日期 :2020年4月10日
Special Attention: HKDRC New Member Application for 2020 and HKDRC Existing Members Renewal for 2020 are effected from 1 January 2020. You are welcome to join continue support HKDRC. Either downloading member application form 2020 from www.hkdrc.org or email enquiry@hkdrc.org to us to get the form for perusal.
HKDRC Race Committee