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Activities Schedule 2017

January -

- HKDRC web site update and announce sponsors and start online registration for the HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017.
- Continue HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race work.
- Process new and renewal members' membership applications for 2017.
- Recruit helpers for the Club work and the race work.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.
- Develop Green Running and Hiking Routes.


- 更新香港長跑會網頁,同時開始2017香港長跑會x SEAM第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 ) 長跑賽網上報名。
- 繼續2017香港長跑會第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 )長跑賽賽事工作。
- 招募會務及賽事工作人員。
- 登記新舊會員申請及延續2017會藉。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 發展綠色跑步和行山路線。

February -

- Continue HKDRC web site update and registration for the HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017 and recruit race work helpers.
- Process new and renewal members’ membership applications for 2017.
- Support members self-training for Mount Butler race to familiar the course.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.
- Develop Green Running and Hiking Routes.

二月份 -

- 更新香港長跑會網頁,同時開始2017香港長跑會x SEAM第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 ) 長跑賽網上報名。
- 繼續2017香港長跑會x SEAM第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 )長跑賽賽事工作。
- 招募會務及賽事工作人員。
- 登記新舊會員申請及延續2016會藉。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 發展綠色跑步和行山路線。

March -

- Execute and conduct the HKDRC x SEAM 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017.
- Support members self-training for Mount Butler race to familiar the course.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.
- Develop Green Running and Hiking Routes.

三月份 -

- 執行2017年度香港長跑會x SEAM第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 ) 長跑賽工作。
- 鼓勵會員進行畢拿山賽道練跑孰習賽場。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 發展綠色跑步和行山路線。

April -

- Review Race Work of the HKDRC 41st Mount Butler ( Heritage ) Race 2017 include the performance of using online registration work.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.
- Announce complete and upload of all 4 packages of Green Running and Hiking Routes.

四月份 -

– 檢討2017年度香港長跑會x SEAM第41屆畢拿山( 古蹟 ) 長跑賽工作包括使用網上報名效果。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 公佈完成並已上載4組綠色跑步和行山路線。

May -

- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club teams for joining team competition.
- Sponsor and support Club teams for Trailwalker training.
- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K 2017 and contact sponsors.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.

五月份 -

- 發展綠色跑步和行山新路線。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 贊助隊及支持伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。
- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里及接洽贊助商。

June -

- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club members to form teams joining team competition.
- Sponsor and support Club teams for Trailwalker training.
- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K 2017 and contact sponsors.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.

六月份 -

- 發展綠色跑步及行山新路線。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 贊助會員組隊及支持隊伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。
- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里跑及接洽贊助商。

July -

- Plan and prepare HKDRC Annual General Meeting 2017 for August.
- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon 10K Run 2017 and contact sponsors.
- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club members to form teams joining team competition.
- Develop and implement work to make our race Greener.

七月份 -

- 籌辦及策劃香港長跑會2017年8月會員週年大會。
- 發展綠色跑步及行山新路線。
- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里跑,接洽贊助商及招募工作人員。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 贊助會員組隊及支持隊伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。

August -

- Conduct HKDRC AGM including present club awards, elect Club Officers.
- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run 2017 and recruit race work helpers. Commence online registration work.
- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club members to form teams joining team competition.

八月份 -

- 召開香港長跑會2017年週年大會包括會員頒獎, 選舉新幹事及會務報告。
- 發展及執行綠色及低碳賽事工作。
- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里,招募工作人員及執行網上報名。
- 發展/綠色跑步及行山新路線。
- 贊助會員組隊及支持隊伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。

September -

- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run 2017 and recruit race helpers. Implement online registration work.
- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club members to form teams joining team competition.

九月份 -

- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里,招募工作人員及執行網上報名。
- 發展綠色跑步及行山新路線。
- 贊助會員組隊及支持隊伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。

October -

- Organize the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run 2017 and recruit race helpers. Continue online registration.
- Develop new Green running and hiking routes.
- Sponsor and support Club teams joining team competition.
- Conduct the HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run 2017.

十月份 -

- 籌辦HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里,招募工作人員,執行網上報名。
- 贊助會員參加樂思會2017毅行者。
- 發展綠色跑步及行山新路線。
- 贊助隊及支持伍參加隊際跑步比賽。
- 贊助隊伍及支持參加毅行者練習。
- 執行HKDRC 第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里賽事工作。

November -

- Review HKDRC 40th Green Half Marathon and 10K Run 2017 Race Work
- Prepare race results

十一月份 -

- 檢討HKDRC第40屆綠色半馬拉松及10公里賽工作。
- 編制賽事成績

December -

- Process HKDRC members renewal of Membership of 2018.
- Review HKDRC Club work and Race work of 2017.

十二月份 -

- 處理新舊會員申請入會/續會2018年度會藉。
- 檢討HKDRC全年會務及賽事的工作。


The above schedule gives members a general indication of the Club activities throughout 2017. Members are encouraged to support and participate in any event and activity on your wish. 上述資料提供是本會2017年度活動介紹。在此鼓勵會友支持和參與。

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