What's new on 1. 10. 2012 – Green and Sustainable Race
Extension of Quotas
Do The Best You Can
The HKDRC 35th Hong Kong Green Half Marathon and 10K Run ( 4 Nov. 2012 ) received overwhelming responses from participants.
EXTENSION OF QUOTAS - As of 28 September, up to 1200 participants of which, 970 for the Green Half Marathon and 230 for the 10K Run are registered. The entry quotas are up to 97% & 78% full. We confirm increase both quotas of the Green Half Marathon from 1000 to 1300 and the 10K Run from 300 to 400. You’ve got only 4 weeks for submission of entry applications. PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW.
We received large number of foreign runners’ applications, also some runners from Guangzhou and Shanghai will travel to Hong Kong to take part in this race. For team registration, a total 7 teams include Lok Wah, UA Running Camp, Fire Services Department and others. A complete list of 1200 runners’ names has been uploaded on our web www.hkdrc.org for your information. We will update the list by end of October.
Due to the clashes of events, about 5 number held on the same day i.e. 4 Nov. 2012, the Transportation Company could not reserve the total 14 buses for us till the finish of the event as such the buses at Kowloon Tong and Tsimshatsui will provide only SINGLE JOURNEY for transporting participants to the venue.
DO THE BEST YOU CAN – We provide our best services for you to run this Zero Emission Course. We offer souvenirs ( 7 items ) that are Green and Sustainable including T-shirt, towel, foldable water bottle, solar torch, organic vegetable, finisher medal and biodegradable gift bag. We ordered special gift 750pcs Lucky Plant and 750pcs Sun Flower for applicant who submits corrected answers to our Low Carbon quiz with the entry applications. We certify you as Hong Kong Green Runner 2012 with your finished position and time duly endorsed by us and the sponsors.
Submit your entry application within October to enjoy this Green and Sustainable Race in 2012. The Entry Form can be download from HKDRC web : www.hkdrc.org or email enquiry@hkdrc.org to get.
The following registered half marathon runners are requested to contact us email : enquiry@hkdrc.org to give your postal address for mail back of your number bibs.
Half Marathon - race number 6004, name Gong Yu Hang
10K Run - race number 4011, name Florence Chua
10K Run - race number 4012, name Lau Yan Yan
10K Run - race number 4013, name Selma Chan
For earlier applicants’ attention, the 2nd lot 425 runners’ packs had been mailed out at end of September. The 3rd lot will be mailed at the 3rd week of October.
2012年10月1日 – 最新消息:綠色及可持續發展的賽事
香港長跑會第35屆綠色( 大尾篤 )半馬拉松及10公里 ( 2012年11月4日 )
增加參賽名額 - 截至9月28日,報名參賽運動員反應熱烈,已登記超過1200名參賽者,當中970名參加綠色半馬拉松及230名參加10公里跑,參賽名額達到97%及78%。報名參賽時間仍有4星期,為滿足有興趣而尚未報名參賽的運動員,本會已將原來半馬拉松的名額由1000增加至1300,原來10公里的名額由300增加至400。請勿猶疑,立刻行動。
從參賽者名單顯示,有大量外籍運動員報名參賽,當中更有自國內城市如廣州及上海以旅遊或自遊行方式來港參賽。至於隊際方面,已登記7 隊,他們是” 北葵涌第10旅 – 海軍團,樂華長跑會,消防局,香港跑步訓練營,城市大學及跑步舍。為便於已查核各組別的報名情況及參賽者資料,本會已上載1200名已登記參賽的運動員名字網頁。由於本會接受截止報名日期後仍希望報名參賽運動員及隊伍。估計仍有大量有興趣長跑運動員報名參賽。
鑒於有多達5個活動包括本會的綠色半馬拉松同時於11月4日舉行,運輸公司因調動車輛問題,將不能安排全數14輛巴士接載運動員往返賽場和巴士站。故此於九龍塘及尖沙咀的 2 個巴士站只能夠維持單程運送運動員往賽場。
盡你/妳所能造到最好 - 本會提供給你/妳優質服務使用零排放賽道比賽。派發給每位完賽者可持續及重用紀念品7 項包括T恤,毛巾,可摺疊水壺,太陽能電筒,獎牌,有機蔬菜及高溶解度禮物袋。提供免費巴士服務接載參賽者往返賽場及巴士站。將發給每位完賽者成績證書,認可為 “ 香港綠色運動員。特別訂購750罐’幸運草’ 及750罐’ 太陽花’ 贈送給參賽者於遞交報名表同時正確回答低碳問卷。
我們需要參賽者造的是 – 賽事當天,盡你/妳所能造到最好。
本會為方便居住遠離市區 ( 如東涌,沙頭角,深圳及離島 ) 參賽者趕及乘坐賽會的巴士,將安排於各個巴士站一部巴士延遲10分鐘開出。
香港長跑會 – www.hkdrc.org 下載區域 或電郵 – enquiry@hkdrc.org 索取
以下已登記的 4 位參加半馬拉松運動員,請電郵 enquiry@hkdrc.org 聯絡本會提供你們的郵寄地址給我們寄回號碼布。
半馬拉松運動員編號 6004,姓名 Gong Yu Hang
10公里跑運動員編號 4011,姓名 Florence Chua
10公里跑運動員編號 4012,姓名 Lau Yan Yan
10公里跑運動員編號 4013,姓名 Selma Chan
於9月份報名的參賽運動員留意,第 2批425名參賽者號碼布已在9月底寄出,至於第 3批將於10月第3星期寄出。
HKDRC Race Committee
香港長跑會 - 賽事委員會